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2019학년도 양산고 TED 영어말하기 대회 최우수상 수상 및 대본
작성자 양산고 등록일 2019.06.25

2019학년도 양산고 TED 영어말하기 대회에서 3학년 현OO학생이 최우수상을 수상하였습니다.

  수상 사진과 대본을 첨부하였으니 학습자료로 참고하시기 바랍니다.

Title : Income Distribution Receiving Attentions along with the 4th Industrial Revolution

 Before beginning my words, I would like to appreciae all of you for trying to listen to my speech. Today, I would like to send a message about how importantly the income distribution has been controversially shown in the news.

  To begin with, let's take a close look at the 4th Industrial Revolution.  4th Indistrial Revolution making one of the biggest changes in the employment has time to maximize the profits by enhancing efficiency in every possible route. Ans as you might know well, the artificial intelligence is going to play the main roles in every field in the upcoming future. For example, surgeons have started to use surgery robot equipped with the artificial intelligence updated with every possible scenario before operating since 2015.  The biggest alteration that we must go through will be the decreasing number of employees in the job market. In 2010, David Author, the professor researching labor economics at MIT reporte that excluding the works with the idea 'We know more than we can tell', about 60% of the total labor market will disappear due to the AI based computer softwares and machines.

  Economists who have studied distribution plans insisted that the income distribution should be considered as a key of the social structure in the future. Capitalism, which is the economic ideology has strengthened its force and appearance in the globe. Against the socialism, this free market economic system has made progresses along with the three different industrial revolutions.  Those changes has made a premise that human beings are the main operators in every occupation. But as I mentioned earlier, while going through the 4th Industrial Revolution, human labors are acquiring the notion called the elements of production. In economics, this phenomenon was forcing since 2010.

  Anyway, now it is prominent that we are facing the reality which seems quite stressful and astonishing at the same time. With the question skin what humans have to do in the future, distribution economics is getting busier. Our society, based on capitalism circulates with the added values, people distribute them and share them. But in the near future, people are not able to produce those values by themselves as they may not be the part of the industrial production. Simply put, people won't have jobs. Rich-poor gap and concentration of capital are the weakest points of the capitalism. Capitalism always has its companion called prosperity distribution. Government's distribution system and welfare infrastructure should care its citizens.  Otherwise, we may become unable to handle the massive unemployment from now on. Paradism of human labor is shifting.  Of course, we will manage the industry but we should make sure to prepare the society that needs sustainable and stable division system of Gross Domestic Product. It was my honor to make a presentation in front of you. Thank you.

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